True honor.

There are few things quite as amazing as seeing a living legend represent your studio. Whang-od has been tattooing for 85 years, and at the young age of 100 she doesn't seem to be slowing down. She is known for being the last living traditional Kalinga tattooer, and it's a long -but worthwhile- journey to receive a tattoo from her. Renato Garcia, one of Chris Garcia's brothers, was fortunate enough to get tattooed by her and made this incredible photo a reality. This is a truly an honor, and incredibly appreciated.


Christmas time tattoos! The gift of forever.

This time of year, we love that clients come in and purchase things for our studio to give to a loved one in hopes of getting them tattooed. There's nothing better than a permanent gift. 

We also receive a lot of calls around Christmas from people wanting to get their kids tattooed. Though we appreciate wanting to trust us with a permanent work of art, we do not tattoo under 18 for any reason. What can we recommend for your 17 year old? Get them a gift card, which never expires, and have them start planning a beautiful work of art, then set an appointment for their 18th birthday. You can show your support, and also ensure that they will receive a beautiful and professionally done piece. It also allows plenty of time for a solid tattoo idea to be made, and gives something to look forward to.

What ever gifts you choose to give, we hope you have a safe and happy holiday season! 

TIMES ARE A-CHANGIN' ....No really, we're changing our hours:

Many of our clients already know, as we've been getting a hold of some of you who had appointments on the days we're changing. 

Starting October 8, our studio hours will change to the following:


We have done our best to contact the clients with appointments existing on those days, but are still waiting on calls from a few. If you happen to see this, and know you've got appointments with us on those days, please give the studio a call at 757-644-6484 and ask for the manager, Alley, or email us with ATTENTION ALLEY: EXISTING APPOINTMENTS in the subject line at

We thank you for your continued support and patience as we transition to new hours.

Taking a stand.

We are often silent about many subjects but this is one we can, and will, get behind and support. For those of you who don't know, there is a tattoo school opening in Philadelphia, and many tattooers in the community are taking a stand.

A tattoo school is a place where people pay to learn the basics of how to tattoo at an accelerated pace. They get a certificate, and essentially expect to immediately get jobs in the industry. Traditionally, tattoo apprenticeships are earned through hard work, dedication, and (lets be honest) going through a lot of shit you don't want to deal with, and it breaks your ego down which helps prove your heart and drive to want to do this for the right reasons, and not just for a temporary cool card in a trade you'll give up in a few years or hand out to all your friends. Tattooing is a craft that should be handed down through generations, but unfortunately it's become something that's handed out instead. 

Eric Perfect has been working to show people in Pennsylvania that they are being taken advantage of for money, and attending one of these school is the least appropriate way to enter the industry. With signs stating "Apprenticeships are earned not bought" and "You are being exploited" the hope is that the school will be shut down, and those wanting to attend will instead choose to look into going about tattooing the respectful way instead of giving money to a greedy culture mooch. Eric's posts have been geared towards showing the truth behind this school, it's motives, and the stolen art they're using to promote it. He's also making it known that not everyone is a good fit for tattooing, and in our opinion he is 100% correct. Just because you like the idea of being a tattooer doesn't mean you deserve to be walked in the door and put in a booth.

Earlier this year, Freddy Corbin and a group of supporters proved that if we stand together, it is possible to run Tattoo Schools out of this sacred trade.

The bottom line is that we stand with them in choosing to protect the trade and the integrity of tattooing. You can't demand respect when you didn't earn it, and you can't expect to be taken seriously by those who have earned it the traditional way. It's not about being a snob, it's about believing in working for the things you want instead of having them handed to you. We're staring at a generation of people who expect to be given whatever they want and think they deserve to just throw money out for a quick lesson in something many spent years earning.

Respect is earned, not handed out or purchased. 


As many of you know, Martin Buechler has left for the summer, and we are unsure of a return date. Because of this, we have temporarily removed his portfolio to avoid booking confusion. He will be missed, and we hope he has a blast training dogs and experiencing the US!

Rob Beresford is currently out of town bettering himself as an artist, learning, and growing at the Explorer Tattoo Conference, and he will be back in the studio Thursday June 22, 2017.

We will be closed on the 4th of July, and re-open for normal hours on July 5th. 

Chris Garcia will be out of the studio July 5-21, and will be back normal hours July 22.

Lastly, Michael Truitt will be returning for a guest spot July 26-29, and we are stoked to have him back! Find a brief portfolio here.



Chris Garcia is out of the studio April 6-16, and will be back normal hours on Monday April 17.

Rob Beresford will be out of the studio April 18-26, and will be back in April 27.

Martin Buechler will  be leaving the studio April 29th to head to Utah until May 22, and then leaving again to head back to Utah on June 18. We won't be taking anymore appointments for him at the moment. 

We are pleased to welcome Anthony Anderson to our crew! View him here.