Tattooers From Around the World. (or Broaden Your Tastes You Bastards)

Hello! It's Lorin again and I have some new stuff for you this week. Every other day customers ask me what tattoos I like, what my favorite thing to tattoo is, etc. I never really have an answer for them, because what I like today I hate tomorrow. However what constitutes a good tattoo is fairly concrete, but it is hard for me to put it into words. A lot of care and planning goes into getting it just right. I have a few examples of people who get it right constantly. These artists have managed to tattoo their way out of the day to day mundane nonsense you see on every stained tank-topped asshole in line at Busch Gardens. I mean it is not enough to be a good tattooer, but their trusting clients deserve much of the credit as well.  These people set a standard. Everything they do is just cool. I quit.

Peter Lagergren- Malmo, Sweden    CLICK HERE FOR HIS INSTAGRAM 

This guy. Insane large color pieces. I really like his tattoos. This is what good tattoo is. Not just because they are done well, but because they have all the elements that make a tattoo last much much longer than an Instagram post. Clean lines, proper use of black, and bold solid color. The art and subject matter are always fresh which, in a world of the oppressive Pinterest bullshit, is saying something.

Annie Frenzel- San Antonio, Texas USA     CLICK HERE FOR HER INSTAGRAM 

I'm a little biased, because she has done most of my tattoos. Annie is a tattooer's tattooer. A German who currently lives in Texas, her work is incredibly sharp and she's cultivated her own look to her tattoos. Her pieces are easily recognizable to tattoo nerds, and she's one of the more ripped off by other tattooers thanks to the internet. Just as with the other artists mentioned here, her work is consistently clean, super solid, and lasting. The Germans have a word for it but I think its spelled like Hümkdhscbdheurigklatsenfismustard.

David Corden- Edinburgh, Scotland   CLICK HERE FOR HIS WEBSITE

Holy piss this guy has a firm grasp on realism. His color as well as black and grey make me want to blow my brains out. What I like most about his tattooing is that he manages to nail down that photographic quality WITH the use of nice black lines as a framework. That's something that all of the "cool kid popular tv host wannabe color portrait douche tattooers" need to wrap their pointy heads around. Mr. Corden's studio should be opening sometime this year, but until then he's traveling.

There are many good tattooers out there, but there are infinitely more shitbirds and con-artists. So watch out. Remember tattoos should be art, not kitsch. So measure yourself, or we all wind up looking like Busch Gardens.  

Interesting(?) Areas of Tattoo Philosophy

First of all, let me say "Hello! ". My name is Lorin and I'm one of the artists here at Red 5. From time to time I'll be posting on here. I'll bring you intelligent, impossible to disagree with, rants or just things I find around the interwebs. I found this little blurb from a tattooer named Johnny Thief at Seppuku up in New Jersey. The guy brings up many good points. Now, before I get a bunch of emails giving me a "customers always right" speech, I'll tattoo almost anything you want. I need to keep the lights on like everyone else, but I wish there was a greater gravity given to the average tattoo decision.  It's a good read and gives some insight into why we sometimes tell you that what you want looks better in your imagination then out here with the rest of us.

The Letter of the Law: Laws for Lettering and Tattoos  <- click that

If you happen to agree with this, please share. Education is usually the best way to make sure you don't wind up looking like an idiot. 


Thank you for an awesome weekend at the HRTF!

We had an awesome time meeting people, tattooing, and seeing friends this last weekend at the Hampton Roads Tattoo Festival. Brett and Lorin crushed it on Friday, Chris Garcia and Carl killed Saturday, and Matt held it down on Sunday. Being directly next to our friends from Richmond at Loose Screw was a pleasure as well! We look forward to seeing everyone at the Virginia Beach convention. If you have any photos you'd like to send us, our e-mail is we'd love to see! Please enjoy a few photos our awesome client, Jassy, took Saturday at the convention, including a photo of George Bell (the tallest man in America) with the Red 5 booth!

Photo Credit Jassy.Ano Photography - Hampton Roads - 757.362.8997

Welcome to the Red 5 website!

Welcome, and thanks for visiting Here we will have an updated list of artists, as well as photos, and links to their social media. We will keep you up to date on what's happening in our studio, and events we will be hosting or attending. We look forward to our future here in Virginia Beach, and we can't thank you enough for your help and support.

*Artists work (starting from the top center, moving clockwise) Carl Fuchs, Chris Garcia, Matt Clarke, Lorin Hay, Chris Stoll, Brett Spickard*